
Is time to check! =)

Hey....Since now is week 13 in semester 5, it is time for my dear photocopy group members to check the lecture notes. =)

Central Nervous System:
1. Organisation of the nervous system
2. Sensory & motor system
3. Neurotransmitter I
4. Neurotransmitter II
5. Learning and Memory
6. Neurodegenerative disorders I
7. Neurodegenerative disease
8. Epilepsy
9. Epilepsy: Anti-epileptic drugs
10. Physiology of pain
11. Introduction of acupuncture and moxibustion
12. General anaesthetics
13. General anaesthetics
14. Local anaesthetics
15. Opiod analgesics I
16. Opiod analgesics II
17. Opiod analgesics III
18. Sleep and wakefulness
19. Sedatives and hypnotics I
20. Sedatives and hypnotics II
21. Anxiety and affective disorders
22. Anxiolytics
23. Affective disorders & treatment
24. Antimanic agents
25. Schizophrenia
26. Drug dependence & abuse I
27. Drug dependence & abuse II, III
28. Medical aspects of drug abuse
(Waiting for upload since lecture is on 1/10)

Reproductive System:
1. Male reproductive system
2. The female reproductive system
3. Puberty
4. Fertilisation & implantation
5. Hormonal contraception
6. Common problems associated with the hyper- or
hypo-secretion of female sex hormones and their treatment
7. Pregnancy & lactation
8. Common problems in pregnancy
9. Menopause
10.Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT)

Endocrine System:
1. Hormonal actions
2. Hypothalamus & pituitary
3. The endocrine system
4. Disorders of thyroid hormones
5. Bone mineral homeostasis
6. Adrenal gland, cortex & medulla
7. Adrenocortical hormonal diseases
8. Pancreatic hormones
9. Diabetes mellitus
10.Management of type-I diabetes mellitus
11.Management of type-II diabetes mellitus
12.Physiology of pain

Community Pharmacy:
1. Community pharmacy
2. Misuse of non-precscription medication
3. Healthcare consumer education
4. What is a healthy weight
5. Infant / child care
6. Travellers' health
7. Ophthalmic, contact lens and ear preparations
8. Stoma care, incontinence and disability aids

Pharmacist as a Health Professional:

1. Introduction & what is professionalism?
2. Is the pharmacist irreplacable? Pharmaceutical care
3. Healthcare ethics
4. Duty of care: Negligence and its implications for pharmacists
5. Professionalism 2: Specific aspects
6. Roles and functions of professional organisation
7. Health education & promotion
8. Approaches to health education
9. The health promoting pharmacist
10.Medication review

Pharmaceutics IV:
1. Kinetics of drug release
2. Sustained & controlled drug delivery systems
3. Applied biopharmaceutics I
4. Applied biopharmaceutics II
5. Applied biopharmaceutics III
6. Production management
7. Current good manufacturing practices (cGMP 1)
8. Current good manufacturing practices (cGMP 2)
9. Current good manufacturing practices (cGMP 3)
10.Regulatory requirements for marketing drug products
11.Good clinical practice
12.Health accessories
13.Surgical supplies

In short, you should have all notes mentioned above, except the last one for CNS.
I will put all the softcopies for these modules at LT3 desktop tomorrow.

Selamat Hari Raya =)

Thanks Mr. Loo for being treasurer and done his job excellently.