Lectures (Just Updated)**
Cancer chemotherapy
1. Cell proliferation and the cell cycle. By TEL
2. The aetiology and epidemiology of cancer. By VS
3. Diagnosis of cancer. By VS
4. Management of cancer. By KA
5. Adverse effects of cytotoxic drugs and their management. By KA
6. Cancer chemotherapy I and II. By WPS
7. Cancer chemotherapy III. By WPS
8. Palliative care. By SBS
9. Reconstituting & handling parenteral cytotoxics. By BK
1. The use and care of electronic infusion devices. By Eliza.
2. Report questions for cytotoxic drug reconstitution. By BK
1. Stability and compatibility. By SBS & SI
2. Cases for stability and compatibility.
Guided readings:
Common cancers:
1. The World Health Organisation (2204) The global burden of disease: 2004 update.
2. Underwood, J.C.E. editor. General and Systemic Pathology. 3rd ed. Edinburgh:Churchill Livingstone; 2000. Lung Tumours p. 354-358, Breast Carcinoma p. 480-491, Leukaemias p.646-651
3.Guideline 61 Investigation of post-menopausal bleeding
4.Guideline 72 Melanoma
5.Guideline 75 Ovarian Cancer
6.Guideline 76 Long term follow up of survivors of childhood cancer
7.Guideline 80 Lung Cancer
8.Guideline 84 Breast Cancer Ovarian Cancer
9.Guideline 85 Bladder Cancer
10.Guideline 111 The Control of Pain in Adults with Cancer
(As I just noticed the updated CC reading list at elearning, so I only able to print out the quick reference guides rather than the full guidelines. All the quick reference guides will be combined as 1 copy)
Musculoskeletal System
1. Peripheral nervous antimuscarinic agents. By SI
2. Neuromuscular blockers: muscle relaxants I. By AB
3. Neuromuscular blockers: muscle relaxants II. By AB
4. Fractures. By Srikumar
5. Metabolic bone disease & its management. By DC
6. Common arthropathies. By SSH
7. Inflammatory arthritis. By VS
8. Antiinflammatory drugs. By SSH
9. Antiinflammatory drugs part II. By SSH
10. Systemic lupus erythematosus. By SBS
11. Progressive multiple sclerosis. By KA
12. Principles of dermatology pharmacotherapy. By BE
13. Psoriasis and psoriatic arthropathy. By LBY
14. Immunological skin conditions: Dermatitis and Eczema. By LBY
15. Immunological skin conditions II: Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. By DC
16. Skin and soft tissue infections. By SI
17. Burns. By MM
18. Wound healing. By Srikumar
1. Workshop I
2. Workshop II
Medical Museum Sessions:
1. Functions and divisions of skeleton. By NK
Guided readings:
1. Clinician’s guide to prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
2. SIGN Guideline 71: Management of osteoporosis.
3. SIGN Guideline 48: Management of early rheumatoid arthritis.
4. BAD Guideline: Psoriasis (Additional recommedation) 5.SIGN Guideline: Management of hip fracture in older people.
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
1. The ideal plasma level-time curve I. By LBY
2. The ideal plasma level-time curve II. By LBY
3. Intravenous bolus dosing in a one-compartment model. By IST
4. Intravenous bolus dosing in a two-compartment model. By IST
5. Intravenous infusion I. By LBY
6. Intravenous infusion II. By LBY
7. Extravascular administration. By IST
8. Multiple intravenous dosing. By IST
9. Multiple extravascular dosing. By IST
10. Non-linear pharmacokinetics. By IST
11. Clinical pharmacokinetic applications. By IST
12. Dosing individualization. By BE
13. Pharmacokinetics in renal impairment. By BE
14. Pharmacokinetics of dialysis. By BE
15. Influence of hepatic impairment. By BE
16. Therapeutic drug monitoring services. By BE
17. TDM: Antibiotics and immunosuppressants. By LBY
18. Overview of TDM: Digoxin and anti-epileptic drugs. By SSH
1. Workshop 1. By IST
2. Workshop 2. By LBY
3. Workshop 3. By IST
4. Workshop 4. By IST
5. Workshop 5. By IST
6. Workshop 6. By LBY
7. Workshop 6 Answers.
8. Workshop 7. By SSH
9. Workshop 7 Answers.
10. Workshop 8. By BE
Extra readings:
1. Pharmacokinetics: an overview. By IST
2. Basic principles of pharmacokinetics.
3. General approach to adjust drug dosing in hepatic failure. By BE
Current trends in therapeutics
1. HGP 1. By YBC
2. HGP 2. By YBC
3. Recent advances in DNA technology. BY GSY
4. Gene therapy. By GSY
5. Proteomics. BY YBC
6. New perspective in the management of cancer. By TEL
7. New perspectives in management of infectious diseases. By KP
8. Deep brain stimulation. By YPN
9. Novel drug delivery system: gene targeting. By TEL
10. Liposomes. By ADY
11. Needleless injection. By FZ
Extra reading:
1. Common Alzhemier’s treatments
1. Toxicology : Introduction. By AB
2. Atmospheric and environmental pollutants. By AB
3. Solvents, insecticides & herbicides. By AB
4. Insecticides & herbicides. By AB
5. Heavy metals and chelators. By AB
6. Industrial chemicals. By AB
7. Food additives and contaminants.By NH
8. Animal toxins. By GP
9. Plant toxins. By Madhu.
10. Toxicity testing. By CSM
11. Management of poisoning I. By KA.
12. Management of poisoning II. By KA.