
Four years =D

Four years ago, I chose you - IMU

Four years ago, I met you - B107

Yes, four years ago,

when there was a lot of people doubted on my choices of selecting pharmacy and IMU.

Now, four years passed without any regret on my choices.

I met awesome batch and dedicated lecturers.

Yet IMU you made me a better person for my future

and I appreciate the presence of every inspiring lecturer in my IMU life.

Of course, B107, everyone of you indeed lightened up my life.

22nd April 2011

The game is over,

accompanying with awesome irreplaceable friendship

with B107, with my dear lecturers.

If you cannot tell how much B107 occupying your memory

I can convert it using its size in my lappy

It's 51GB

Fully occupied my D drive

Yes, nothing else but B107ians

Just for our coming-soon convocation magazine

The processing of magazine is tough, but I'm enjoying myself

Just because you are B107

such unique and united in my life


New game is starting soon.

And now officially I can greet you with

"Hi. I'm a pharmacist. How may I help you?"


A step nearer